Appointments available 31 July to 7 August 2024

The purpose of the interview

  • Provide an opportunity to discuss possible pathways, career options and opportunities.
  • Provide an opportunity for a more detailed and personalised explanation of the TCE and ATAR and how you can optimise your subject choices.
  • Provide quality advice on TASC subject choices, including VET opportunities at St Patrick’s College and through other providers.
  • Provide an opportunity to discuss your specific learning needs in relation to Year 12.
  • Provide access to specialist staff or make a referral as required.

Appointment details

  • 20 minute appoints are available
  • Year 11 students can attend by themselves or with their parents/guardians
  • Interviews will occur in the Edmund Rice Centre (ERC)
  • Bookings are made online below

Appointments can be made by following these steps:

Choose a staff member from the list above.  Click on their name to proceed with the booking.
Select a date and time that suits you and is available.
Click the '+' button under quantity - it will show 1 ticket selected. 
Click next and fill in the details.
Finalise the appointment by clicking ‘purchase’. 
You will receive an email confirmation of your appointment.