The Season of Advent

By Mr Tony Daley, Principal
Last Sunday was the last day of the Catholic calendar year. This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the Liturgical year of the Catholic Church. For many, it is time to bring out the Christmas decorations in preparation for the big man to come down the chimney. However, while this is a great time of celebration time, we must remember the true meaning of Christmas as celebrating the birth of our Christ Saviour.
It is a time of gratitude, a time for family and a time when we think of others and how we can make their lives better. Ever since my children have been young, we have always visited the Giving Tree to ensure that they have an appreciation that not everyone has the ability to afford the Christmas that they experience. At the College, we replicate this sentiment by having our students contribute to the Vinnies Christmas Hamper appeal. The College and Vinnies are extremely grateful to families that generously contribute to the healthy Christmas Hampers provided to St Vincent de Paul. While referring to St Vincent de Paul, I am going to appeal for more people from our community over 18 years of age to volunteer to help on the Vinnies Van, which assists the less fortunate in our Launceston community. You would already know that our Year 9 students make and provide the soup for the Van, but Vinnies also provide sandwiches, blankets and warm clothing. Having been a volunteer on the Van, I can guarantee the experience certainly changes how you view the world. If you could spare some time, please get in touch with Mrs Kate Rockliffe, Director of Catholic Identity and Mission, by email to
Yesterday, we welcomed the new Year 7s of 2023, who will be the graduating class of 2028. By all reports it was a great day and even though a few found the size of the College daunting, they engaged fully in the day in preparation for next year. They also had the opportunity to meet the new College Principal, Mrs Liz Illingworth.
Excitingly, I also inform you that the new STEM build has now begun. We have started to replace the heating through the Edmund Rice Centre and are preparing the building site for demolition in early December. I look forward to following the progress over the next two years.
On the co-curricular front, I was amazed to witness the progress students make from the early stages of the Instrumental Music Program to the magnificent performances of our Senior Bands last Thursday at the Annual Catholic Schools Concert. Congratulations to all staff and parents who contributed to the success of the evening.
Finally, this is my last newsletter as Principal of St Patrick’s College - a truly amazing community of students, staff, Board, priests, parents and caregivers. I have been blessed by the support of all involved, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could write a whole other newsletter thanking everyone individually. St Patrick’s College is one of the best Colleges I have had the privilege of working at and have been lucky enough to lead. Thank you for the memories.
God bless.